Astrolojew The Jewish Astrology Podcast

NEW! Check out my PODCAST on Anchor!

NEW: JOURNEY THROUGH THE JEWISH YEAR! Recordings of all 12 Zodiac Signs / Jewish Months on my YouTube Playlist


"As Above So Below: Astrology in Jewish Cultural History" - a presentation to the Jewish Museum of Maryland, March 18 2021, as part of their "Jews in Space" exhibition.

Astrolojew featured in "Moment Magazine"

LISTEN to my interview about Jewish Astrology for "Align With Your Light" Radio


READ my FULL monthly Jewish Astrology Column in the Jerusalem Post !

READ the syndicated Astrolojew column in J The Jewish News of Northern California!

CAN YOU READ FRENCH? "Astrolojew" Now Featured in France's Biggest Online Jewish Publication, Alliance France

"Astrolojew" Jewish Astrology Column coming soon (Chodesh Iyar 5781) to the St. Louis Jewish Light!

READ Lorelai Kude's Monthly "Mainstream" Astrology Column, Exclusive to Hudson Valley's Chronogram

Thank you for supporting my work! It takes me thousands of hours to research and write the original content on this blog. Your loving donation is deeply appreciated - from the heart!

Looking for a unique gift for a special someone? A gift certificate for a 1-hour personalized natal chart reading from "Astrolojew" is the gift that keeps on giving! Email


Astrological analysis and counseling services are offered via one-on-one sessions.

Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups

In person or by phone or Skype. Your session will be recorded and you will be sent a confidential link to download the audio file, as well as a copy of the drawing of your chart.

Individual Astrological Natal Chart   $100 (1 hour)   

Couples Chart Package $200 (includes Relationship Compatibility Chart + 2 Individual Natal Charts) 

Relationship Compatibility Chart  $50 (Half Hour)

Babies Birth Chart and Counseling for Parents $50 (Half Hour)

Family Dynamics Analysis - Examines the relationship dynamics between one or more parent and their children $200 (Includes Individual Natal Charts for Parent(s) and up to 3 Family Members, more than 3 price quote available upon request).

Group Dynamics Analysis - For businesses, organizations, and other groups, analyzing the dynamics between members and offering strategic insights into streamlining and improving group functionality and success. (Price available upon request).
Intimacy and privacy are essential to the quality of your experience. Your information is confidential and will not be used or shared outside of your personal session.

Please contact by email: to arrange your appointment.

Cash, credit card, PayPal or personal checks accepted in both U.S. Dollars and NIS New Israeli Shekels