Your Natal Chart has four Cardinal points (East, South, West and North) that correspond with the four "Cardinal" (initiating) Tribes associated with specific directions - Yehuda (East), Reuven (South), Ephraim (West) and Dan (North).
But what about the Tribe of Levi - that "borderless" Tribe who serve G*d and their fellow Israelites? We have in our charts our "Inner Leviim," those parts of our personality that transverse borders, serve G*d and others, and relate in various ways to each other as well as to the parts of our lives they are attached to.
The Leviim were configured around the Mishkan thusly - Moshe & Aharon to the East, attached to the Tribe of Yehuda. That's the part of our personality that manifests LEADERSHIP. Yehuda is associated with Aries, Nissan, Cardinal Fire, the Spring Equinox, and is the Tribe under whose degel (banner, flag) the two successive Tribes Issachar (Taurus) and Zebulon (Gemini) rest.
When the Mishkan traveled, Moshe and Aharon were responsible for the safety and transportation of the ketoret (incense), the holy anointing oil, and the mincha offering. The "Leadership" aspect of our personality - that part of us that takes control, makes decisions, goes forward - is the part that is responsible for keeping ourselves purified (ketoret), prepared (anointing oil - to be "anointed" is to be set apart for service), and responsible (mincha, that twice-daily acknowledgement of both personal responsibility to one's Creator as well as to one another).
Next the Tribe of Reuven to the South, Cardinal Water, the Summer Solstice, the month of Tammuz and the Zodiac Sign of Cancer the Crab. The Levitical Family of Kohath was assigned to the South/Reuven part of the camp, and when they traveled the Kohath family was responsible for the transportation of the utensils and sacred objects, including the Ark, the Table, the Menorah, etc. This is the part of our personalities that manifest CONTAINMENT, the parts of us that we call a "klee" or a vessel, it's where we keep our important STUFF and what kind of things we keep it in. Cancer acquires stuff, Leo (the month of Av, the Tribe of Shimon) displays stuff and Virgo (Elul, Gad) sorts and sifts stuff and decides about it - is it good? Bad? Keep it or throw it out?
Next we come to the direction of West, and the Tribe of Ephraim (Cardinal Air, Libra, the Autumn Equinox, Tishrei). The Levitical Family of Gershon is attached to this area. The Gershonites were in charge of the woven articles, the coverings and it could be said that this part of our personality is concerned with COVERINGS. Libra (Ephraim, Tishrei) covers to beautify. Scorpio (Menashe, Cheshvan) covers to conceal. Sagittarius (Benyamin, Kislev) covers to reveal. This part of our chart are the layers (coverings) we put on to go out in this world - wherever Libra falls in our chart is where we cover ourselves with beauty, where Scorpio falls in our chart we cover ourselves with modesty (or it's unhealthy friends secrecy) and a sense of sovereign privacy, and where Sagittarius falls in our chart, we cover like a magician covers a tophat with a red silk handkerchief, just long enough to pull it back to reveal ... abracadabra! ... something magical.
Finally, we turn North, to the Tribe of Dan (Capricorn, Cardinal Earth, Tevet, the Winter Solstice). Dan and his associated Tribes of Asher (Aquarius, Shevat) and Naphtali (Pisces, Adar) were assigned the Merari family of Levites, and Merari was responsible for the frames, ropes and sockets of the Mishkan - in other words, the STRUCTURES.
Dan (Capricorn) is very much associated with the idea of "structures," Capricorn is connected to Saturn, the planet of structure. Saturn is to the personality what the skeletal system is to the body - it's not the prettiest thing in the world but it's the structure upon which all else hangs. Without Dan/North/Capricorn/Cardinal Earth in one's personality, you would be like "the late Mr. Lupner, G*d rest his soul" who was born without a spine (from the old Gilda Radner / Bill Murray / Jane Curtain "Saturday Night Live" skit about the Lupner Family). Our "inner Leviim" of the Merari Family STRUCTURES this quadrant of our personality - Dan structures time and space, Asher (Aquarius, fixed Air) structures ideas, and Naphtali (Pisces, Mutable Water) structures beliefs. Capricorn is the frame, Aquarius is the ropes tying everything together and Pisces is the sockets into which the frame and ropes are secured.
Once we have initiated our leadership (Yehuda/Aries/Nissan) and created the vessels into which our personalities can fit (Reuven/Cancer/Tammuz), we cover and adorn ourselves (Ephraim/Libra/Tishrei) and take our functional place in this world (Dan/Capricorn/Tevet).
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