When I do someone's Astrological Natal Chart it frequently feels like a one hour super-powered therapy session on steroids. Issues that could take months or years to come out in conventional therapy are brought to the surface immediately and reflected back to the client in the context of their soul's journey in this life and how all their different parts work together as a whole to accomplish the work they've come to do.
On a personal level, my favorite is working with people I don't know at all, or whom I only know casually, as information I already know about them in the context of our relationship interferes emotionally (my emotions, not theirs!) in my ability to feel like I'm being a completely clear communicative channel.
My least favorite charts to do are of course my own children, I can barely look at their Natal Charts without bursting into tears (as how they experience both their parents and family of origin are so clearly marked in each of their charts and of course that brings up all sorts of MY STUFF).
The truth is, everybody's natal chart has certain "signatures" that indicate how they experience their own parents, their siblings, their own children, their own partners, romantic attachments and lovers (those are three different Houses, not all the same thing!), in fact relationships of all kinds (employer/employee, group member, etc.) are represented in various Houses of a person's Natal Chart.
Each one of the 12 Houses is related to one of the 12 Tribes of Israel. EVERYONE has 12 Houses in their individual Natal Charts! Where the Planets, Asteroids and theoretical mathematical points are placed in your Houses tells the story of how YOU were "fearfully and wonderfully made," a completely unique individual who chose the very life you are now living for a PURPOSE.
Reflective Rectification Astrological Analysis can help you connect with that purpose and give you insight into the G*d-given gifts you received at birth to help you accomplish your task in this world.
Contact Lorelai Kude at: lorelaikude@yahoo.com to make an appointment in person or via Skype to learn about your personalized Natal Chart.
Jewish Astrological Astro-Analysis, Counseling and Consultation for Individuals, Couples, Families, and Groups via Zoom, and in-Person. USA Phone: (818) 746-6174 Email: lorelaikude@yahoo.com VISIT MY ALL NEW WEBSITE AS OF MAY 2022: "MY JEWISH STARS" https://myjewishstars.com
VISIT MY ALL NEW WEBSITE AS OF MAY 2022: "MY JEWISH STARS" https://myjewishstars.com
Astrolojew The Jewish Astrology Podcast
NEW! Check out my PODCAST on Anchor!
NEW: JOURNEY THROUGH THE JEWISH YEAR! Recordings of all 12 Zodiac Signs / Jewish Months on my YouTube Playlist
"As Above So Below: Astrology in Jewish Cultural History" - a presentation to the Jewish Museum of Maryland, March 18 2021, as part of their "Jews in Space" exhibition.
Astrolojew featured in "Moment Magazine"
LISTEN to my interview about Jewish Astrology for "Align With Your Light" Radio
READ my FULL monthly Jewish Astrology Column in the Jerusalem Post !
READ the syndicated Astrolojew column in J The Jewish News of Northern California!
CAN YOU READ FRENCH? "Astrolojew" Now Featured in France's Biggest Online Jewish Publication, Alliance France
"Astrolojew" Jewish Astrology Column coming soon (Chodesh Iyar 5781) to the St. Louis Jewish Light!
READ Lorelai Kude's Monthly "Mainstream" Astrology Column, Exclusive to Hudson Valley's Chronogram
Thank you for supporting my work! It takes me thousands of hours to research and write the original content on this blog. Your loving donation is deeply appreciated - from the heart!
Looking for a unique gift for a special someone? A gift certificate for a 1-hour personalized natal chart reading from "Astrolojew" is the gift that keeps on giving! Email lorelaikude@yahoo.com

1 comment:
Very interesting perspective, I love when I learn something new. Shalom:)
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