ALERT - The Planet Mars will be transiting through the
Sign of Libra for 8 months!
December 8th, 2013 - July 27, 2014, Mars
(the Planet associated with the Tribe of Yehuda and the Hebrew Month of
Nissan) will be in the Sign of it's "Detriment," Libra (Associated with the Planet Venus/Noga and the Tribe of Ephraim). Mars will be traveling back and forth (Direct and Retrograde) in the Sign of Libra for the longest time in recent history (the last 15 Mars cycles have lasted anywhere from two months to three weeks in duration). This is going to be a long transit!
"CONFLICTS (Mars) WITH OTHERS (Libra)" ... Yes it's obvious that Mars
is aggressive, but did you know Libra, the Cardinal (Initiating) Air
Sign is known as "the iron hand in the velvet glove" and that Libra is
intensively interested in having its own way - nicely, of course,
politely if possible, but emphatically so.
Aries/Mars is about the
individual, Libra/Venus is about the relationship of the individual with
others. Conflicts with others are unavoidable, but how to handle them
in the most enlightened way - that gets tricky. Especially for Libra, who hates confrontation and uses diplomacy - or if that fails, outright manipulation - to fight.
Is it any wonder Libra is known as the Sign of the "Detriment" of the Planet Mars? Mars is forced to "play nice," while Libra is forced to deal with uncomfortable feelings of anger and conflict. It can be a confusing time.
Sun-Sign Libras, and
especially those with their Natal Mars in Libra, and those with
multiple Planets in Libra would be well-advised to order my "MARS IN
LIBRA 2013-2014 REPORT," personalized for YOUR individual natal chart.
Note to my current and former clients (you know who you are) - Chanukah
Discount as I've already got your Natal Chart in my database. Your
report is only $50.
New clients - this product is $100 and includes a
half-hour phone or Skpye consultation with me regarding your personal
natal chart and how the 8 month long Transit of Mars through Libra will
be reflected in your life.
Email - Happy Chanukah!
Jewish Astrological Astro-Analysis, Counseling and Consultation for Individuals, Couples, Families, and Groups via Zoom, and in-Person. USA Phone: (818) 746-6174 Email: VISIT MY ALL NEW WEBSITE AS OF MAY 2022: "MY JEWISH STARS"
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"As Above So Below: Astrology in Jewish Cultural History" - a presentation to the Jewish Museum of Maryland, March 18 2021, as part of their "Jews in Space" exhibition.
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