#HRC Hillary Rodham Clinton s a Scorpio with her Moon in Pisces. Everyone who has described her has
emphasized her Scorpionic traits: persistence, intensity, laser-like
focus, long memory, loyalty, the passionate pursuit of that which is
Scorpios are also private, even secretive. When they speak
about her compassion, empathy, lifelong advocacy, concern and care for
children, they're talking about her tender Moon in Pisces, hidden way
down in her 4th House, the most private place in her
Natal Chart. Even if she wanted to - even if she used her mighty Mars
in Leo ("fight" might be the most used word in her vocabulary: "I
fought" / "I'll fight", etc.), she still couldn't succeed in exposing
us, the public, to her most private emotions.
Trump also has Mars in Leo. He's a "fighter" as well - but he fights for himself and his ego (Mars conjunct his Leo Rising).
Everything people hate about her can be found in her 12th House. Sun,
Chiron, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio, in the place of
subconscious/unconscious, hidden enemies, secrets, confinements,
dissolving of ego boundaries. Her intensity is seen as obsession, her
focus as devouring greed, her sacrifice as selfishness. Impossible to
NOT be misunderstood with a 12th House like this - also impossible not
to be underestimated.
President Obama said of her: "She was doing everything I was doing, but like Ginger Rogers: backwards and in heels!"
The public may never really "know" Hillary, but for 40 years she's been
the big screen for our collective projections (Neptune in Libra in her
11th House). We may never "know" her, she may never satisfy our
curiosity. If she cries we'll call her weak, if she doesn't weep we'll
call her cold-hearted. What's important about her chart and the way
she's intrinsically wired is that she will NEVER give up. She just isn't
capable of it.
When she addresses the DNC Thursday, July 28th in Philadelphia, the Moon will be in her 7th House
by the time she steps onstage to make her acceptance speech. She will
try to be all things to all people. Transiting Mars conjunct her natal
1st House Jupiter will expand her toughness. Transiting Jupiter in Virgo
in her 10th House will enlarge her public image as rational and
analytical, but opposes her tender (yes, tender) Moon in Pisces,
"hidden" in her 4th House, where only
her most intimate friends and family ever see it. Ironically, it's what
America wants to see from her - will she give us a peek, or will her
famous Scorpio Rising privacy fetish hold fast?
Transiting Sun in Leo
squares her natal Scorpio Sun, challenging her to rise to peak
performance level and embrace the drama, making it her own. Transiting
Venus in Leo conjunct her natal Saturn in her 9th House (AND squaring
her natal Mercury) would vote for dressing the part - maybe something
with a subliminal paramilitary theme, like Cersi's coronation dress in
Game of Thrones. :)
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