Read Tishrei's Horoscopes in the Jerusalem Post here
New Moon in Libra, and the New Year on the Jewish Calendar is upon us, beginning Sunday night September 29th.
We're moving on from the "Ayin"
decade (the 5770's) to the "Pey" decade (Taf Shin Pey = 5780).
energy of the "Ayin" years was located in our eyes (Ayin): judging what
we see. Have we spent these years seeing ourselves and others through an
"Ayin Tovah" (a good eye) or G*d forbid, through an "Ayin Harah" (an
evil eye)?
Now we come upon the "Pey" decade. The "Pey" is the mouth. The power to bless, to uplift, to build up, to encourage, to support,
to teach and to positively connect with others is via our mouth. So is
the power to curse, to tear down, to discourage, and to negatively
impact ourselves and others located in the mouth.
For the Jewish
People, the mouth of the "Pey" is related to the verse in Isaiah 41:14:
“Do not fear, O worm Jacob, men of Israel. I am helping you,” says
HaShem, and your Redeemer, Israel’s Holy One"
“Do not fear, O worm
Jacob! Why is Israel compared to a worm? Just as a worm strikes the
cedars only with its mouth—though soft, it strikes the hard—so Israel
possesses only prayer, for the idolatrous nations are compared to
cedars” (Tanḥuma, Beshallaḥ 9).
“Come and see: All nations of the
world have been rendered to certain ruling archons, as has been said,
and they follow their false gods, as is written: [For all the nations]
will walk each in the name of its god (Micah 4:5)—all shedding blood,
waging war, stealing, robbing, fornicating, mingling with numerous
evildoings. They intensify their power to harass, while Israel has no
power to overcome them except through its mouth—like a worm whose only
power and strength lies in its mouth, by its mouth penetrating all. So
Israel is called worm” (Zohar 1:178a).
Friends, I bless you in the
Name of the G*d of Israel for a good year, a sweet year, a happy year, a
healthy year, a year of abundance and plenty, a year of love and
connectivity. I bless your mouth to have the power and strength to speak
truth to power, to bless and not to curse, to uplift and not tear down,
to build and not destroy. May your mouth be like the mouth of the worm
and the power of prayer your mighty weapon. Shana Tova u'Metuka and may
we all be signed, sealed and delivered!
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