Full Moon in Sagittarius, Lunar Eclipse 7:10am
Israel time on Shabbos Day (Saturday).
Communicative Gemini Sun's
opposition to Wandering Philosopher Sagittarius Moon is temporarily
blocked by the EARTH (that's what makes the Lunar Eclipse),
with illusion-enhancing Neptune making a hard Square to both Sun and
Moon in mystical Pisces. Strict Saturn in seething, scheming Scorpio is
Semi-Sextiling the Lunar Eclipse. All this happening during Parsha
What does this mean in English? EVERYBODY'S TALKING,
NOBODY'S LISTENING, Egos, Super-Egos and Ids and each of their Evil
Twins are causing numbing static, unless we can stop our internal and
external chatter we can't hear the heart of the "Other," who is really
our Shadow Self that we've created by rejecting what's too scary for us
to own.
Aaron lighting the Menorah brings Divine light into our
intellect, the Pillar of Cloud by day obscures the searing, judgmental
heat, and the Pillar of Fire by night illuminates the darkness with
hope. Manna falls for us every day.
Are we going to COMPLAIN about what
we DON'T have or are we going to be thankful for what we DO have and
make the most of it? Will we use our words to hurt or to heal? Will we
give the "Other" the benefit of the doubt, a good eye, a spoonful of
merit or will we automatically reject whatever isn't "us"?
ALL of us Divine Light, mercy, hope and a positive attitude towards
ourselves and others. Self-awareness sweetens judgement and invites
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