- the big windy gas bag of our Planetary system, ruler of everything
gigantic and over-the-top, has just moved from the Sign of Gemini (where
it's been since June of 2012) and into the Sign of Cancer (where it
will be until July 2014). This year we're "blowing up" Cancerian
concepts of security: home, food, mother, money.
All the Planets are created by HaShem as energetic lenses
through which specific attributes are filtered. These attributes reflect
the corresponding conditions upon Creation - specifically, humankind.
is the largest Planet, is associated with the Sign of Sagittarius (and
traditionally, before the "discovery" of Neptune, with Pisces). It's
also associated with the Month of Kislev, the Tribe of Benyamin, the
tikkun of sleep and dreams.
In mythology Jupiter is Zeus, the king of
the Olympians, godfather to the mythological mafia line up, if you will.
Jupiter has the attribute of extremism - although it is usually
experienced in a positive and even beneficent manner, it can be
Beginning this week, Jupiter is making a transit (passing through) the Sign of Cancer for
about the next year. Wherever Jupiter transits, that area of life gets
expanded. During Jupiter's transit of Gemini everything having to do
with communication (Gemini's forte) was expanded. Think of Wikileaks and
all the security breaches of the last year!
is concerned with security and advancement. Cancerians are ruled by the
Moon, which makes them emotional, yet they are Cardinal Signs so they
always take the initiative although they travel Crab-like, scuttling in
switchbacks and never making a direct approach, but never backing down.
key words are: Food, Home, Mother, Money. These are triggers for them
emotionally and in terms of motivation. Jupiter's transit of Cancer will
see these key words / emotional triggers expanded.
"Mother Earth" may be the Mother to whom we need to pay attention. To
each of us individually those things that say "mother" to us, i.e. our
literal mothers or those who provide nurturing energy to us in whatever
form - those relationships will be highlighted and emphasized.
have to ask ourselves: What are we growing in our lives? What are we
nurturing, what is nurturing us? How are we providing for our own
heritage and legacy?
So friends - Welcome to Jupiter in Cancer, let's keep our eyes open for those things within ourselves and each other that need watering and care!
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