Just off the top of my head, taking a look at the symbols of the teams - the Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos - I would have to call Seattle for obvious reasons (Seattle / Wet / Sea / Hawks / Aquarius / Adar Aleph / Pisces / Water - at least that SHOULD be obvious). The Broncos are a "dry" team and would have a better chance of winning if the Superbowl was being played in Arizona or if Rosh Chodesh Adar Aleph hadn't come in right before the Superbowl (making it even WETTER, given that the Sun is still in Aquarius, the Water Bearer).
But ... is it really that simple?
Looking at the Natal Charts of both Russell Wilson, the Quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks, and Peyton Manning, the Quarterback for the Denver Broncos, I'm struck at how alike in ambition, talent, leadership and drive these two star athletes are - even though Manning is old enough to be Wilson's father (and that age gap might make a difference tomorrow, in surprising ways).
Russell Wilson and Peyton Manning are both Fire Signs - in fact, in Chinese Astrology, they're both DRAGONS. Manning, the Aries, is a Fire Dragon, and Wilson, the Sagittarius, is an Earth Dragon.
The Seahawk's Russell Wilson is a Sagittarius with his Moon in Leo and Mars, Planet of Aggression, Energy and "koach" is in Aries. The triple play of all three Fire Signs, perfectly configured to give him visionary prowess (Sagittarius), pride and leadership (Leo) and courage and fearlessness (Aries) right where it counts.
The Bronco's Peyton Manning has a brave Aries Sun, with his Moon in ambitious, practical Capricorn and Mars in persistent Cancer. His Mercury and Venus are both in Pisces, giving him an uncanny ability to "dance" and Jupiter at 29 Degrees (the "Critical Degree") of Aries gives him UNBELIEVABLE luck, the luck of a baby being born in the right place at the right time.
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The game itself, although called for 6:30pm Eastern Time (that would be 29 Degrees of Leo) will actually begin somewhat later (after all the ads, intros and accolades) during the time when Virgo is rising.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the Planet of Communication and speed. Mercury will be in Pisces, and that will certainly favor Manning, whose Natal Mercury and Venus are both in Pisces.
It's also more favorable for Manning's Mars in Cancer (a nice Trine) but Manning's Mars in Cancer is also in a little trouble. At 2 Degrees Cancer, it's Conjunct the current position of an embarrassing little asteroid called Hades in the 11th House of the Game (see chart). The 11th House is the House that rules "Groups" - including of course TEAMS. Manning's Natal Mars Conjunct Transiting Hades in Cancer in the 11th House could be a recipe for breaking Grandma's heart in public - some kind of let-down of the dynastic kind, a family heritage flavored disappointment, akin to wetting one's pants at the Thanksgiving table. OR, the nagging thought that he might be letting down the "family" (the team and all the fans) will drive him all the harder.
Transiting Chiron ("The Wounded Healer") at 11 Pisces is Conjunct Manning's Natal Venus in his 7th House (House of Marriage and Equal Partnerships). It's possible to say that even though Peyton Manning is considerably older than Russell Wilson, he's like a Jedi Knight compared to a young initiate, who lacks nothing when it comes to courage but can't hold a candle to experience.
Manning will be practically psychic tomorrow, able to communicate with his team-mates almost telepathically, and most of the work he'll be doing will be in his head, while Russell Wilson will be far more passionate, more emotional and possibly extremely surprising.
Wilson's Natal 29 Degree Sagittarius Uranus gives him the EXTREME WILDCARD aspect, and as it lies on the 4th/5th House Cusp of the Game Chart, you can expect the unexpected, the creative, the fiery - and possibly the fireworks!
Russel Wilson's Natal Mercury/Mars Trine (Sagittarius/Aries), his intensely competitive and deeply possessive Venus in Scorpio and of course the "Wildcard" Uranus at 29 Sagittarius with his Sag Sun/Leo Moon make him "Mr. Fire" on the field - but careful "Mr. Fire" not to burn out, or flare up. Manning could easily bait Wilson psychologically, and Wilson's Jupiter (Planet of "Luck" at Zero Gemini in the Game Chart's 10th House (HOW IT LOOKS IN PUBLIC) makes me wonder if the words "bad timing" or "poor luck" or "just one of those things" might not be used Moetzi Superbowl, when everyone has the luxury of looking into a rear-view mirror.
So - what's going to happen? I don't know, I don't even follow sports! I've never seen either of these teams play and have read nothing about it. But if I had to bet I'd bet that Peyton Manning is the sentimental favorite, with both "luck" and experience on his side, and that Russell Wilson is the fiery young superhero come to teach the old dog some new tricks. I think we've seen that movie before, right?

If I'm wrong - I guess you could sue me, but on the other hand, if you're foolish enough to actually spend money betting on the Superbowl based on someone's astrological predictions, you must have a real Jupiter/Neptune affliction in your chart!
Oh - and don't forget about the Chinese Astrology aspect - Earth extinguishes Fire. Wilson is an Earth Dragon, and Manning is a Fire Dragon. Additionally, it was just the Chinese Year of the (Wood) Horse at the New Moon last week, and Chinese Astrologers say that Fire Dragons like Manning must be VERY careful this year, while Earth Dragons like Wilson can expect to have a pretty good year. So by Chinese astrology, bet on the Seahawks.
To Summarize - by Symbolism (Seahawk / Bronco) and by Chinese Astrology - Seahawks win.
By Mundane Astrology - Close call, but betting for Broncos.
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