Chodesh Adar Bet is coming, it's the Pisces/Pisces New Moon and we're
about to become ALIGNED again!
The Conjunct Sun and Moon at 10 degrees
Pisces makes a perfect Trine to Jupiter in Cancer, a Triple-Water Ripple
Effect that opens the gates of compassion, understanding and empathy
within us.
Make a list of everyone you need to forgive - then put your
own name at the top of it. Forgive yourself first and the rest will
follow. Chodesh Tov Tov!!!
Mercury Retrograde FINALLY ends today, Baruch HaShem, although it won't have left the shadow of its Retrograde motion until it finishes traveling forward through the shadow period, which ends March 20th.
Between now and March 20th, we're fixing everything that got tangled up in the last few weeks. The good news is - the fixing will be easy, as easy as combing one's hair after using a very good hair conditioner (as opposed to trying to comb one's hair without any conditioner at all). In the shower. Nice and warm and steamy. Get the picture? :)
But of course there's never a dull moment in the celestial world, because there's never a dull moment in the terrestrial world. Mars in Libra turns Retrograde on March 1st, another turn on its interminably long journey backwards and forwards through Libra over an 8-month period of time. Mars will Retrograde from 27 Libra back to 9 Libra until May 21st.
Mars was previously at 9 Libra around Christmas, specifically December 25th - 29th 2013. Basically what is happening is an energetic re-visiting of the ways in which we've expended our energy (Mars) between now and May 21st. We'll revisit the things that were important to us in late December and maybe have a second chance to do things differently.
Mars in Libra asks: Where is your passion invested? Did you put your energy where your heart is, or did you put it where someone else told you to put it? Are you using your koach, your Chi, your sacred energy to please others or to be true to yourself? You need to answer all these questions, or the Universe will answer them for you.
Contact Astrolojew for a personalized Natal Chart counseling consultation, in person or by Skype.
Lorelai Kude - in the USA (818) 746-6174
Jewish Astrological Astro-Analysis, Counseling and Consultation for Individuals, Couples, Families, and Groups via Zoom, and in-Person. USA Phone: (818) 746-6174 Email: VISIT MY ALL NEW WEBSITE AS OF MAY 2022: "MY JEWISH STARS"
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"As Above So Below: Astrology in Jewish Cultural History" - a presentation to the Jewish Museum of Maryland, March 18 2021, as part of their "Jews in Space" exhibition.
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