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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Tekufah Tammuz / The Summer Solstice (Plus Venus-Mars Opposition): It's an Energetic Day!

Modern-Day Druids Celebrating the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge
Tekufah Tammuz / The Summer Solstice today - the turn of the seasons again as we welcome summer ( קיץ), my least favorite season because heat - but everyone else seems to love it, so enjoy. 

The Sun enters Cancer today, though we've been in Chodesh Tammuz for the past week already. We're moving from the Mutable Air (Transformative Thought) sign of Gemini into the Cardinal Water (Initiating Emotion) sign of Cancer. Key words for this month: FOOD, HOME, MOTHER, MONEY. Issues of emotional security are played out in these realms. Ancestors (particularly women), heritage, legacies, nostalgia, family heirlooms both material and emotional (that's called "baggage" in psych-speak) come to the forefront. 

More in celestial news: Transiting Venus in Leo and Mars in Aquarius opposite each other today. Venus in Leo says: "Adore me," Mars in Aquarius says: "Unique is the new sexy." Venus replies, "But I'm so fabulous! Sparkling, charismatic, confident, warm, affectionate - what more could you ask for?" Mars replies: "Something interesting."

Yes, it's that simple, folks. Nothing is more boring to Mars in Aquarius than the expected - and nothing more annoying to Venus in Leo than when Mars ignores or doesn't notice her.  Take my advice and give yourself the attention you deserve and don't go looking for it from other people - that will make you a lot more interesting to yourself and others.

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