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Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Capricorn Hot Spot: Getting Hotter and Hotter!

I didn't know how eerily accurate I was when I wrote in December that the Solar Eclipse / New Moon in Capricorn December 25th was the energetic kick-off to an entire year of momentous global stress.
Dec. 31, 2019:
The government in Wuhan, China, confirmed that health authorities were treating dozens of cases. Days later, researchers in China identified a new virus that had infected dozens of people in Asia.

I've also written / spoken extensively about the Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12, 2020 and the gigantic structural changes / destruction of the old.

January 11, 2020:
On Jan. 11, Chinese state media reported the first known death from an illness caused by the virus, which had infected dozens of people.

Here are three dates coming this year for the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction which will see a lot of stress around a GIGANTIC (Jupiter) RAW, UNRESTRAINED POWER (Pluto) around "life and death issues" (Pluto, modern ruler of Scorpio, again - death and rebirth, the phoenix rising from the ashes, self-immolation to be born anew from the ashes of destruction, etc.)

APRIL 4 - Jupiter & Pluto conjunct at 24 degrees Capricorn
JUNE 30 - Jupiter & Pluto conjunct at 24 Capricorn RETROGRADE
NOVEMBER 12 - Jupiter & Pluto conjunct at 22 Capricorn

All three of these Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions happen right on top of the same degree of the zodiac where the Saturn-Pluto conjunction occurred January 12 this year.

Because these conjunctions take place so close to the USA's natal Pluto, it's possible the declaration of martial law may occur if panic, hoarding and looting set in. Let's hope I'm really, really wrong about all of this!

Pluto is the god of the underworld, of course. And fabulously wealthy (that's where we get "Plutocracy"). I feel there will be a huge (Jupiter) gap between how the rich ride this out compared with how the poor are able to (or not able to). But isn't that always the case? We see that even now with how the US government is throwing trillions of dollars at the economy to prevent a total meltdown, but most of the money is going to those who already have money. The truly poor will not benefit from this influx of cash - and it's the truly poor who need it most.

Pictured: The USA's natal chart with transits for 3/26/20. Note the position of Pluto in the USA's natal chart at 27 Capricorn, within 4 degrees orb of the the Capricorn "Hot Spot" which has been continually irritated and will continue to be so until after November.

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