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Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Vernal Equinox: Forecasting The Year of the Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction

The Vernal Equinox, or "The Revolution of the World-Year" (tekufat ha-olam) as our great commentator Abraham Ibn Ezra & the medieval Jewish astrologers referred to it, occured in Washington, DC Thursday March 19 at 11:50pm, and Jerusalem Friday March 20 at 5:48am.

The horoscope for the Vernal Equinox (by location) determines the forecast for the year ahead. But this Vernal Equinox is different - because it occurs in a year during which there will be the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (which occurs in December 2020).

The three Jupiter-Saturn conjunction cycles of 20, 240, and 960 years which take place within elemental triplicities (fire, air, earth, water) were viewed as portents of political and social change, the emergence of a new dynasty, nation, or a great prophet. This “Great Conjunction” was the focus of Jewish messianic speculation from the earliest contacts with its origins in Third Century Sassanian Persia through Abu Ma’ashar, the medieval commentators such as Abraham Bar Hiyya, Abraham Ibn Ezra, and others.

Ibn Ezra taught (in his "Eight Macro-Astrological Rules" laid out in the various versions of his Sefer haOlam) that casting the horoscope for the tekufat ha-olam during the year which contains the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction forecasts these world affairs, political and social change, etc.

The upcoming Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December occurs in Aquarius, for the first time since 1405.

Aquarius is the sign of the Jewish people.

Saturn is the planet known to "rule" the Jewish People (Saturn is "Shabbtai" - a variant of Shabbat).

Pictured here are the horoscopes for both Jerusalem and Washington, DC for the Vernal Equinox 2020.

DAYS ARE COMING. They're coming - and they're already here.

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