27 Elul, "Tikkun Tammuz", during which we fix our emotions. Tammuz is
the Sign of Cancer, associated with the Moon, and vulnerable to the most
extreme emotional fluctuations. Reuven, the patriarch of the Tribe
associated with Tammuz, was told by his father Jacob that his nature was
as "unstable as water". Today we fix our emotional instability. Easier
said than done, right?
Yet Reuven himself demonstrated the secret of
this fixing when he acknowledged his father's frank assessment
without bitterness, rebellion or resentment. Self-awareness and honest
self-assessment anchors unstable emotions to a fixed reality: We are all
Works in Progress. Neither veering towards morose nor grandiose, but
aiming for equanimity in our in our daily lives and integrity in our
relationships. Being able to accept critique from those with our best
interests in mind without going off the deep end is emotional maturity.
May Tikkun Tammuz give us the energetic opening to fix where we've been
off the deep end or stuck in the shallow end with our feelings!
Jewish Astrological Astro-Analysis, Counseling and Consultation for Individuals, Couples, Families, and Groups via Zoom, and in-Person. USA Phone: (818) 746-6174 Email: lorelaikude@yahoo.com VISIT MY ALL NEW WEBSITE AS OF MAY 2022: "MY JEWISH STARS" https://myjewishstars.com
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"As Above So Below: Astrology in Jewish Cultural History" - a presentation to the Jewish Museum of Maryland, March 18 2021, as part of their "Jews in Space" exhibition.
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