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Sunday, July 31, 2011
Introduction to the Shema - We Praise G-d's Creation of the Luminaries
"G*d, The Master over all works, the Blessed One Who is Blessed by the mouth of every soul, His greatness and goodness fill the world! Wisdom and might surround His glory. He Who exalts Himself over the holy Chayos and is splendorous in glory above the Chariot - merit and fairness are before His throne, kindness and mercy fill His glory. Good are the luminaries that our G*d created, He fashioned them with wisdom, with insight and with discernment. Strength and power did He place in them, to be dominant within the world. Full of luster and radiating brightness, beautiful is their luster throughout the whole world. Glad when they go forth and exultant when they return, they do with awe the will of their Creator. Splendor and glory they bestow upon His Name, jubilation and glad song to the remembrance of His kingdom. He called out to the Sun and it glowed with light, He saw and fashioned the form of the Moon. Praise do they bestow upon Him, all the host on high!"
New Moon in Leo, Rosh Chodesh Av, Mercury Retrograde: - The "OYS" of Summer
The Hebrew Calendar is a work of both art and science. The almost poetic way in which significant dates fall out in relation to the cycles of heaven is beyond any mere human design - even that of Ezra the Scribe, whose work on the Jewish Calendar we owe everything.
Take for instance, the New Moon in Leo, which squares Jupiter (who is called "Tzadek" in Hebrew, connoting Jupiter's function as an energetic lens of both benevolent wisdom and in it's shadow form, fanatical self-righteousness) in Taurus. The Fixed Square (Leo/Taurus) energy is one of stubborn (Taurus) passionate (Leo) self-righteousness (Shadow Jupiter). Venus in Leo close to the Leo Sun / Leo Moon conjunction tips the balance of public opinion in favor of "brave leadership," while transiting Uranus in Aries makes a Trine (120 degree angle) to the Leo Sun/Moon/Venus conjunction. The stage demands an actor - someone is going to step forward to play the role - and in your own personal drama, that means: THE SPOTLIGHT IS ON YOU.
Rosh Chodesh Av comes shortly thereafter (Sunday night), quickly followed by Mercury Retrograde (at Zero Virgo, going "backwards" through Leo again) Wednesday morning Jerusalem time. It's said that a planet is not established in a sign until it reaches 1 Degree. Therefore, Mercury at Zero Virgo has all of the potential of Virgo (the ability to discern, to choose, to separate that which is useful from that which isn't) but none of the actual power. Mercury's Retrograde back through Leo re-hashes old arguments, demands "kavod" (respect) and is less like a roaring lion than a dog worrying a bone - gnawing at the same point, over and over.
Your inner voice may be harshly critical right now, your pride may be wounded and you may be tempted to take refuge in your comfort zone - whatever that is (Leo Venus says: Buy! Leo Venus squaring Taurus Jupiter says: Overindulge!). The whole POINT to this kind of astrological analysis is to create self-awareness, which is the key to being able to stop acting compulsively. If you KNOW you're just feeling sorry for yourself, you're less likely to buy that triple-scoop ice-cream or cashmere sweater you don't really need (and for G*d's sake, it's the middle of summer, why are you shopping for winter clothes already?).
The trick is to "know thyself." Where does the Leo/Leo New Moon conjunct transiting Venus in Leo fall in YOUR chart? In what area are you most likely to fall off the wagon?
Don't give in to the "Oys" of Summer. Take this opportunity to clean up the messes instead of making more of them. Torah-based Reflective Rectification Astrological Analysis Services can help. Email: for details.
Take for instance, the New Moon in Leo, which squares Jupiter (who is called "Tzadek" in Hebrew, connoting Jupiter's function as an energetic lens of both benevolent wisdom and in it's shadow form, fanatical self-righteousness) in Taurus. The Fixed Square (Leo/Taurus) energy is one of stubborn (Taurus) passionate (Leo) self-righteousness (Shadow Jupiter). Venus in Leo close to the Leo Sun / Leo Moon conjunction tips the balance of public opinion in favor of "brave leadership," while transiting Uranus in Aries makes a Trine (120 degree angle) to the Leo Sun/Moon/Venus conjunction. The stage demands an actor - someone is going to step forward to play the role - and in your own personal drama, that means: THE SPOTLIGHT IS ON YOU.
Rosh Chodesh Av comes shortly thereafter (Sunday night), quickly followed by Mercury Retrograde (at Zero Virgo, going "backwards" through Leo again) Wednesday morning Jerusalem time. It's said that a planet is not established in a sign until it reaches 1 Degree. Therefore, Mercury at Zero Virgo has all of the potential of Virgo (the ability to discern, to choose, to separate that which is useful from that which isn't) but none of the actual power. Mercury's Retrograde back through Leo re-hashes old arguments, demands "kavod" (respect) and is less like a roaring lion than a dog worrying a bone - gnawing at the same point, over and over.
Your inner voice may be harshly critical right now, your pride may be wounded and you may be tempted to take refuge in your comfort zone - whatever that is (Leo Venus says: Buy! Leo Venus squaring Taurus Jupiter says: Overindulge!). The whole POINT to this kind of astrological analysis is to create self-awareness, which is the key to being able to stop acting compulsively. If you KNOW you're just feeling sorry for yourself, you're less likely to buy that triple-scoop ice-cream or cashmere sweater you don't really need (and for G*d's sake, it's the middle of summer, why are you shopping for winter clothes already?).
The trick is to "know thyself." Where does the Leo/Leo New Moon conjunct transiting Venus in Leo fall in YOUR chart? In what area are you most likely to fall off the wagon?
Don't give in to the "Oys" of Summer. Take this opportunity to clean up the messes instead of making more of them. Torah-based Reflective Rectification Astrological Analysis Services can help. Email: for details.
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