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Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Democratic Debate Tonight During Mercury Retrograde in Pisces = UH OH!

With the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn, Venus in fiery Aries, and Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, tonight's Democratic Debate should be SPARKY, and confusing.

Misinformation should be watched for very closely. If I were the campaign manager for any of the candidates I'd be drilling them hard on actual verifiable and demonstrable facts all day today.

Transiting Venus in Aries directly opposite Mayor Pete's natal Mars in Libra, and conjunct Bernie's Moon/Mars. Watch for sparring between those two, which inadvertently may strengthen Bloomberg's Venus-ruled Mars in Taurus.

Don't count Warren out yet. Though we don't know her birth time, her natal North Node at 23 Aries is hard-squared by the 2020 Capricorn Cluster (22-25 degrees), making 2020 her do-or-die year. Her biggest astrological problem is her Sun/Uranus conjunction at Zero degrees Cancer ("a planet is not established in a sign until it reaches 1 degree), making it nearly impossible to pin down who she REALLY is - we think we know her in some way, but she's not really "knowable" by the public. BUT her natal Jupiter is at 0 degrees Aquarius: the degree where the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of December 2020 takes place. Don't count "weird luck" out of the equation. 

Biden's Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio are all sextiled by the Capricorn Cluster, which normally is a supportive angle, and his natal Jupiter (his ruling planet because Sagittarius Rising) at 25 Cancer in his 8th House (things he shares with others including values, valuables, resources & intimacies) is opposed by the Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter Capricorn Cluster in his 2nd House (stuff that belongs to him). He literally believes he "owns" the nomination, and is increasingly shocked as days and weeks go by to find that he in fact, does not.

And Amy? Her Mars in Aries (like Bernie's) makes her a hardcore fighter, and going into the DNC nominating convention in July transiting Venus in Gemini will be conjunct her Sun/Moon/Mercury in Gemini and retrograde Mars in Aries will be conjunct her natal Mars, and her natal North Node at 21 Virgo is harmoniously trined with the Capricorn Cluster. She is having a Very Good Year and may end up in a powerful and advantageous position at the DNC. Of course we'll have to wait and see. First let's get through tonight's debate, and on to Super Tuesday & the rest of the primaries (Mercury Retrograde in Pisces on Super Tuesday - balloting MAY be an issue, as well as misinformation around exit polls - just sayin').

Amy Klobuchar's Natal Chart

Joe Biden's Natal Chart

Mike Bloomberg's Natal Chart

Pete Buttigieg's Natal Chart

Elizabeth Warren's Natal Chart (TIME UNKNOWN)
Bernie Sanders Natal Chart (Whole Sign)

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