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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

March 1 - 6, 2022: WE ARE IN FOR A WILD RIDE.


March 1 - 6, 2022: WE ARE IN FOR A WILD RIDE.
This is the most global and granular war we've ever seen, with non-governmental players in the tech sector (Saturn in Aquarius) making unilateral moves to help Ukraine, such as Elon Musk, Microsoft, the "Anonymous" hackers, and others. With hundreds of thousands of citizens defending their homeland with rifles and mobile phones (North Node / Uranus in Taurus), real-time reports from the front line on social media battle Russian disinformation bots (Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, Sun sextile Uranus). 
Hope springs afresh with the New Moon in Pisces, where Jupiter is currently expanding compassion, and Neptune is currently distorting perception.
Venus, Mars, and Pluto meet in a triple conjunction at 27 degrees Capricorn (the degree of the USA's natal Pluto), with the Moon in war-like Aries on 3/3, which is Rosh Chodesh Adar Bet. Mars-Pluto can be very dangerous; Venus hardly takes the edge off and in fact the oligarch angle of this unfolding story should be watched closely. In any case: these events will feel exceedingly personal even if you are half a world away. 
Regarding the outcome: THE DECREE IS NOT FIXED; IT CAN BE SWEETENED. Those who understand the power of prayer and the chutzpah it takes to make intercession, as Avraham Avinu and Moshe Ribbaynu and Dovid haMelech did, may they be strengthened at this time.
3/5, Shabbos Parshat Pikudei, the Sun conjuncts Jupiter in Pisces and the glory of the Lord fills the Tabernacle. Sunday 6/6, Venus and Mars both move into 0 degrees Aquarius, the exact degree of the "Great Conjunction" of Jupiter and Saturn which occurred in December 2020, the doorway to the Aquarian Age. The hallmark of the epoch is the uniting of governments, NGO's, sports teams, industry, tech, and every sector (Saturn in Aquarius again) under Aquarian ideals (brotherhood, humanitarianism, scientific progress, freedom ) to defeat a global threat.
What time on the Cosmic Clock is it, folks? It's half an hour before Purim. 


Friday, February 11, 2022

Ibn Ezra's Astral-Magical Understanding of the Clothing High Priest

Speaking of this week's Torah Portion, Tetzaveh, which describes the clothing of the High Priest ...

Our great sage Abraham Ibn Ezra (1092/93 – 1167) brings astrology into his interpretation of the commandments in his commentary on Exodus 28. Here Ibn Ezra explicitly details the astral-magical workings of the ephod and the breastplate, despite calling it a “deep secret,” only “part” of which he reveals here. 
"There is a very deep secret behind the ephod and the breastplate. I will allude only to a part of this secret. Perhaps he who knows the mind of the Most High will understand it. The following are the keys to the secret of the ephod. The two wreathen chains on the two rings represent the head of Aries [taleh] and Libra [moznaim]. The band of the ephod represents the celestial equator. Hence six names were inscribed on the stone which was on the other shoulder.
Now these things can only be grasped by the mind. Hence six names were inscribed on one stone in accordance with the number, names, and order of birth of the tribes of the Children of Israel. Six names were similarly inscribed on the second stone. On the other hand, the names on the breastplate were not divided in the same manner as they are grasped by the mind. They were divided in a way that could be perceived by the eye."
- Abraham Ibn Ezra, Commentary on the Pentateuch
The two wreathed chains are what the ephod itself hang from. The “head” of Aries and Libra – that is to say, the New Moon/Rosh Chodesh (head of the month) of both Aries and Libra are the two points in time which the whole of the Jewish year, the cycle of sacred time, hangs upon. 

The Biblical imperative that Passover must only fall in the Spring is the foundation of Jewish calendrical calculations. “Guard the month of Aviv and make (then) the Passover offering” (Deuteronomy 16:1). Hence, keeping the ephod balanced by two wreathed chains symbolizes how Aries, harbinger of the Spring Equinox, and Libra, the Autumnal Equinox, keep the year properly balanced by ensuring Passover always occurs in the Spring.
Ibn Ezra saw the ephod as “an astrological instrument which corresponded to the arrangement of the heavens. It drew power from above and, when properly used, had the ability to predict the future,” The names of Jacob’s sons, the 12 Tribes of Israel, were engraved on the two stones of the ephod, six upon each, corresponding to the six constellations from Aries to Virgo which lie to the north of the equator, and the six constellations from Libra to Pisces which lie south of the equator. This division mirrors the way the constellations ring the celestial equator.

Shabbat Shalom!