Everybody knows Shavuot is our "Wedding Day,"
the day Israel as a Nation was "wed" to HKBH with Mount Sinai itself as
our chuppah and the Torah as our Ketubah. Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5774
precedes our "Shabbos Kallah" as a people, as we prepare to receive the Torah all over again next week.
Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5774 is Tiferet Sh'B'Malchut, the manifestation of
beauty and balance in this world. Venus ("Noga" in Hebrew) has just
entered sensual, Venus-ruled Taurus in the 5th House of Romantic Love,
and Mars Conjunct Midheaven is out there and visible in a big way, in
romantic, idealistic Venus-ruled Libra.
Emotional Moon in 7th House of
Marriage and Partnerships in Communicative Gemini Squared by Wounded
Healer Chrion in 3rd House super-sensitive Pisces makes the words we
speak go straight to the heart.
Exalted Jupiter in intuitive Cancer in
9th House of will make religious expression and spiritual connection
The stage is set for words of love to pierce our hearts,
cleanse our souls, and lift us higher. Chodesh Sivan Tov to everyone far
and near, may we only hear and speak nourishing, healing, loving words,
one to another.
Jewish Astrological Astro-Analysis, Counseling and Consultation for Individuals, Couples, Families, and Groups via Zoom, and in-Person. USA Phone: (818) 746-6174 Email: lorelaikude@yahoo.com VISIT MY ALL NEW WEBSITE AS OF MAY 2022: "MY JEWISH STARS" https://myjewishstars.com
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