Beginning this Thursday, we're about spend the next five months experiencing a series of New Moons at Zero Degrees of each successive sign: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and culminating with Pisces.
What's so special about Zero Degrees of any particular sign? It's a well-known astrological principle that "A Planet is not established in a Sign until it reaches One Degree". The clear archetype of Thursday's New Moon/Solar Eclipse at Zero Scorpio (2:57pm Pacific, 5:57pm Eastern, 12:57am Israel time on Friday) is the "Phoenix rising from the ashes" - rebirth and renewal of what has previously decayed and died. The fact that this happens at Zero Degrees of Scorpio is like a "clean sweep", a huge energy opening where everything is possible and nothing is impossible, a blank canvas, leaping over the chasm between 29 Libra and One Degree Scorpio without a net.
Whatever House in your Natal Chart is ruled by Scorpio will be the most strongly affected by this Transit, and in fact it's the area in your life most likely to benefit from this radical rebirth and renewal opportunity. It's really an extraordinary opportunity to attempt the impossible, and to transcend previous disappointments, failures, and fears. It's a chance to get an eagles-eye view of your life and your situation - soaring overhead, looking down at the "big picture" instead of being trapped inside a perspective where you can't see the forest for the trees.
On Facebook I wrote the other day: "This is a time of intense rebirth. This is a time to transcend all the
limitations you've put on yourself. If you feel trapped or imprisoned,
you now can see how your fears and incorrect beliefs about yourself have
forged the chains you wear. Dissolve those fears and the chains will
break as well. It's really an extraordinary opportunity for radical change. I invite you to take it."
It's so important to know what Houses this Zero Degree Eclipse Series will fall in. Note the following:
October 23, 2014 - New Moon/Solar Eclipse Zero Degrees Scorpio (Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan)
November 22, 2014 - New Moon Zero Degrees Sagittarius (Rosh Chodesh Kislev)
December 21, 2014 - New Moon Zero Degrees Capricorn (Rosh Chodesh Tevet)
January 20, 2015 - New Moon Zero Degrees Aquarius (Rosh Chodesh Shvat)
February 18, 2015 - New Moon Zero Degrees Pisces (Rosh Chodesh Adar)
In each of the cases of the five New Moons at Zero Degrees, they ALL precede Rosh Chodesh of each successive month by mere hours (instead of up to a day or day and a half as in some years). The "Chodesh Energy" (the unique characteristics and attributes) of each of these months will be INTENSIFIED by the Zero Degree New Moon of each successive month.
The way in which they will be intensified is the degree to which the expansive panoply of possibilities are each within the grasp of the particular individual. At Zero Degrees, it's "all bets are off," all the preconceived notions are thrown out the window and there's a tremendous capacity for FREEDOM from the past - FREEDOM from old habits - FREEDOM to make new choices.
But only if you take the steps. Freedom requires movement on our part - we have to step into the Red Sea, so to speak, to be able to cross over to the other side.
You need to see your own individual Natal chart to know and understand what areas of your life will be open to this succession of change/opportunity. Be in touch with me ("Astrolojew" - Lorelai Kude) about your personalized Natal Chart analysis reading. Email:
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"As Above So Below: Astrology in Jewish Cultural History" - a presentation to the Jewish Museum of Maryland, March 18 2021, as part of their "Jews in Space" exhibition.
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