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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Sivan - Time to Sail the Seven Seas

Chodesh ‪#‎Sivan‬ Tov!

Sivan is the month in which we receive both the ‪#‎Torah‬ and the ‪#‎Ger‬, the righteous convert whose soul makes Claal Yisrael shalem (complete). Ruth the Moabitess, the great-grandmother of King David (whose birthday and yartzeit we commemorate on ‪#‎Shavuot‬) is the archetype of the righteous convert. ‪#‎Zevulon‬, the Tribe associated with the Month of Sivan and the "mazal" (Zodiac sign) of ‪#‎Gemini‬, travels by sea to gather up and bring back home the riches of other lands and peoples, in order to bless his family.

We too must "travel by sea", cross borders and boundaries, cultures and comfort zones, to find those treasures and bring them "home" to our own hearts and souls, to enrich and make whole that which is lacking. 

Sivan/Gemini's Planet is ‪#‎Mercury‬ ("Kochav"), ruler of both written and oral communication - apt indeed for the month Torah was given at Mt. Sinai.
(Pictured: "Zevulon" by Linette Joel)

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