Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, by Josephine Wall |
The time period under review is April - November, 2017. Things that were ambiguous or unclear during that time are up for reconsideration and clarification. This is applicable in a general sense to everybody's natal chart, and in a specific sense wherever Pisces falls in your own natal 12 Houses, and the position of your natal Neptune.
Neptune is the modern astrological ruler of Pisces. The classical planetary ruler of Pisces is Jupiter, currently in Scorpio and making a supportive sextile (60 degree angle) to Neptune. As Pisces and Scorpio are both Water signs (Pisces is Mutable Water / Transforming Emotion, and Scorpio is Fixed Water / Establishing Emotion), the influence tends towards the emotional and, because Pisces rules the unconscious/subconscious mind, psychological as well. The spiritual healing potential of this transit is very high! Take advantage while you can.
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