#Saturn / #Pluto
conjunction (exact today after a tortuously long build-up) at 22
degrees of Capricorn. Destruction (Pluto) of systems, structures and
constrictions (Saturn) which previously seemed useful but are now
exposed as impeding progress and prosperity.
Decay/Death (Pluto)
of structures and systems (Saturn) to make way for the new. Separation
of the essential / useful from that which no longer serves. End of the
cycle which began in 1982/83 - death of the last remnants of the
NeoCons, for one thing (though their death-throes be nasty with
long-lasting effects; they're still dying). Collective and personal
grief and loss over the destruction of the status-quo; breakdown and
failure of social and economic systems consolidating power and wealth in
the hands of the few.
They that are not busy being born are busy dying (Dylan, more or less). That's the theme of this transit.
The Saturn-Pluto
opposition September 2001 brought us 9/11. There Saturn in Gemini
(information, communications, immediate environment i.e. "our
neighborhood") was opposed by Pluto in Sagittarius (religion, "foreign" people, places and things). We all know what happened.
At the conjunction of Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn we've seen the US and
Iran at the brink of war last week. Iranian students are being seen
refusing to trample US and Israeli flags after
discovering their leaders lied about shooting down the Ukrainian
passenger plane last week.
It's interesting to note than in his
Sefer HaOlam, Ibn Ezra gives the zodiac signs and planets associated
with certain cities and countries. He states that Bagdad (the capital of
Persia during his lifetime as well as during other periods of Persian
history) was associated with 21 Cancer: exactly opposite today's
Saturn/Pluto conjunction.
It's also interesting to note that in the
natal chart for the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Saturn/Pluto
conjunction is exactly opposite the current Iranian government's natal
Vertex. I call the Vertex "the rabbit hole" because in my experience as
an astrologer it's the point where, like Alice in Wonderland following
the White Rabbit, one unconsciously follows patterns which lead to
repeating the same mistake over and over again until the lesson is
finally learned. How many times must one fall down the rabbit hole until
one learns not to follow that White Rabbit?
The Vertex has to do with
unchosen but seemingly "fated" encounters, those that seem compelled. In
the Islamic Republic of Iran's natal chart, the Vertex at 23 Cancer in
the 8th House (values/valuables/resources & intimacies we share with
others) opposite Saturn/Pluto seems to be saying: Wait a minute! Was
that really a White Rabbit I saw running past me, and do I really have
to follow him down the rabbit hole again?
The consequences and long term effects of this conjunction will unfold this year as Jupiter and Pluto make three conjunctions in Capricorn, enlarging (Jupiter) the Pluto effect: death/destruction in order to create transformative change. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes of his own self-immolation, Pluto (modern planetary ruler of Scorpio) doesn't do things halfway. There is no half-death and partial transformation: it's all or nothing now. Leading up to December 2020's Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at Zero degrees Aquarius (classically ruled by Saturn; modern ruler Uranus), by the time we get to the end of 2020 we'll be looking at ourselves and our world in the mirror and asking: Who is this? What are we becoming? Let us hope the angels of our better/best selves collectively agree we're getting better, not worse, as a human race.
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